
Due to the coronavirus outbreak, how you contact us will be different at the moment. This is to limit face-to-face contact whenever possible and help stop the spread of coronavirus. Your GP practice is open, please do not come to the surgery unless you have an appointment. Face-to-face appointments are available to all patients, but you may be asked to discuss your conditions over the phone or online first to assess what would be most appropriate for you.

To book an appointment please call on 020 8554 3014 or 0208 554 6287. You can also call NHS 111. If you are asked to come into the surgery for a face-to-face appointment, please remember to wear a face covering. Measures are in place to keep you safe from infection during your visit to the surgery. If you are waiting for a check-up, please be assured we will be in touch.

Emergency Appointments

Emergency appointments are not for repeat prescriptions, sickness/fitness for work certificates or for signing forms.


If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.

Sick Notes

If you have been ill for more than 7 days, you will need a doctor’s certificate. These certificates are called ‘Fitness to Work’ Certificates. The doctor may call you or arrange for an appointment. If you have already been seen by your Doctor about this illness your certificate will be sent to you within a week.

Online Consult